The REGENA-Therapy was developed by Günter Carl Stahlkopf in 1963 and has established an excellent reputation within complementary medicine due to its holistic method of treatment.
To locate a therapist (in Swiss, Germany, Austria), please fill in a search term (as City, first name, surname) or fill in the postal code and the maximum distance you are willing to cover.
- Ceanothus americanus / Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni comp.
- Chondrodendron / Eucalyptus globulus comp.
- Artemisia absinthium / Citrullus colocynthis comp.
- Taraxacum officinale / Levisticum officinale comp.
REGENAPLEX® remedies are homeopathic complex remedies, which can be combined on a modular principle for each patient individually .
They contain the same plant extracts, minerals, animal substances, etc., as the single agents in classical homeopathy and are, without exception, combined and prescribed according to their holistic effect on the entire metabolism.